Monday, January 26, 2015

Prayer for our churches

James MacDonald says “There are astounding statistics that six thousand churches close their doors every year, thirty-five hundred Americans leave the church every day and only fifteen percent of churches are growing annually,” says MacDonald.

How scary!!

I told you in yesterday's post about a little church I came upon while I was out and about taking pictures. Today it hit me that little church is abandoned. No one goes in on Sunday morning and opens it doors, turns up the heat, turns on all the lights and gets ready for the worshipers to show up. The choir doesn't sing, the offering is not taken, and the pastor doesn't stand in the pulpit and bring the message. This is one church of the six thousand churches that close their doors every year.

In our Bible Study Made for Community with Love God Greatly, you can check it out here, we are talking about being in Community with God, and with others and in one of ours weeks we are talking about being in Community with our local church. We are called to be in Community. My heart is burdened for this church and the thousands of churches around the world that are closing their doors.

Please join me in prayer for these churches. Please pray for the pastors that lead these churches, and pray for those that go to these churches. Pray that their/our hearts will be on fire and want to be worshiping with other believers.

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