Sunday, January 11, 2015

Choosing Him All Over Again: Book Review

Choosing Him All Over Again
                A Story of Romance and Redemption

I wonder how many of us, if we were being honest, would say I dreamed about what it would be like to be married to someone else. What if I would have married Mr. tall, dark, and handsome, not short, chubby and balding? What if I would have married a lawyer instead of a pastor?

Juana Mikels seemed to have it all, a handsome hubby, a fantastic job, a dream home they built together, but Juana felt something was missing from her marriage and that her husband was not who she was supposed to be married to.

One October night leaving her husband, Juana set out on an adventure that she thought would take her to finding her "Mr. Right" and it did but not the "Mr. Right" you might think. She found Jesus.

Her road back to redemption in her marriage was not an easy one, there was rejection from her husband, and heartache but Juana did not give up on God, and what he could do in her marriage, and because of that there was restoration in her marriage and her husband would later come to the Lord, and they have raised 4 beautiful children in a Christian home.

I don't want to give all of the book away, but I tell you that you need to add this book to your 2015 reading list!!

You can purchase the book here


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