Monday, December 15, 2014

When God says WAIT...

Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.Psalm 27:14

Waiting is so easy right? Being patient is even easier right? NO, NO, NO!!! We often question, "Why Lord?" Why is this happening?

Lately I have find myself asking that same question. My husband is a pastor and we were at a church in Montana, things seemed to be going great, and then the Lord said, "Leave, go back to Kentucky (our home town) and wait on me." So we packed up what we could fit in a small trailer and sold the rest. We did all of this in a month, and we moved back home. We moved in with my mom, because we didn't know if we were going to stay in our hometown, or really where we were going. We enrolled our daughters in school, I started subbing in the school, and Andrew has applied for many jobs in the secular world and also many pastor positions. No secular jobs has called Andrew. We do have a church that has had us for an interview and have also called him to preach a couple of times, but we are in the waiting part of this process. Anyone in ministry knows this part. It's hard, you want an answer, you want the process to hurry, even though you really don't because you want to make sure that it is all God's Will and God's timing. 

What I have learned during this time, our oldest-est of our two younger daughters, Ellee, has to have surgery on her ear again, and if we were still living in Montana we would be between 8-10 hours from the nearest Children's hospitals, so God has moved us back because he knew this was going to happen and we needed to be close to Vanderbilt (1 hour away) for the many doctors appointments and the surgery. We also found out that our youngest daughter Johannah, is also going to have to have a sleep study done, and a surgery for her sleep apnea so again God in his Omniscience knew what we needed before we knew it. Now is this all I have to learn No, there is definitely more to learn, am I going to know everything as to why he has us here, No but God's plan is always better than ours. So as I wait upon the Lord and wait upon his perfect plan, I dive further in His Word, ask him to use me where I am, and be a light to those who need it. 

This Christmas Season be a light to others. Whether you are in the grocery store or the checkout line of the department store make conversation around you, tell people the real reason for this season, and remember that you might be the only light that some of those people will see that day or even this season. A smile can change a mood :)

Merry Christmas!!! 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Choosing Him All Over Again

I'm exited to have the opportunity to be on a new book launch team again.

Juana Mikels new book Choosing Him releases January 2015 but you can Pre-Order yours here

I have just started reading the book, and can't wait to share with you as I read.

A little teaser from the back of the book
 "She has everything that is supposed to make a young woman happy: handsome husband, dream job, new home, great vacations, fun friends, and plenty of money.
But she isn't happy.
Leaving husband, house, and friends behind, Juana begins her search for peace and happiness in earnest. Mistakenly, she thinks all she needs is "Mr. Right," but instead, Juana finds Jesus and the peace she has always longed for.
As she grows in her faith and her desire to please God, God rekindles in her heart a longing to be reconciled to her husband. However, the tables are now turned her husband doesn't want Juana back.
Juana learns how to let go and trust God, to let Him go to work and do what seems like the impossible . . . but will her marriage be restored?"

 Stay Tuned!! :)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Messy Beautiful Love: Book Review

Wow, wow, wow!

I have been married to my husband for almost 9 years. Through our 9 years of marriage we have had many ups and many downs. I wish I could say that I offered grace in every argument/disagreement. I wish I could say that I apologized when I was wrong. I wish I could say that if someone walked into the middle of one of our arguments they would say, "Wow, that is marriage is a great representation of Christ and the church." Unfortunately I would have to answer no to all the above. 

I was picked to read and review Darlene Schacht's new book Messy Beautiful Love: Hope and Redemption for Real-Life Marriages. This is a book I had to force myself to put down. I wanted to dissect it and I wanted to finish it in one sitting. It was a hard battle ;) 

I would recommend this book to the dating, newly married, married for 10 years or married for 50 years. 

In the opening pages Darlene lets you into a place in her marriage that most people don't ever let you go. She gives her testimony of  what grace can do to a marriage, even in the most unthinkable times.   
Each chapter was filled with Biblical truths to handle situations that arise everyday in our marriages.   At the end of each chapter Darlene gives us a challenge. Each challenge makes you think and act. 

Release for this awesome book is Tomorrow Tuesday September 16th. Hurry out and get your copy! You can also click here and enter for your chance to win a free copy! 

I want to thank Darlene Schacht and Nelson Publishing for allowing me this opportunity, it was truly a blessing! 

Friday, September 12, 2014

An Exciting Give-Away

I'm excited to offer one free copy of Darlene Schacht's book Messy Beautiful Love:Hope and Redemption for Real-Life Marriages. All you need to do to enter is leave me a comment of your favorite marriage moment. A winner will be picked at 7:00 p.m. Central Standard Time on Monday 9/30.

Go!!!! :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Messy Beautiful Love: Hope and Redemption for Real Life Marriages....FREEBIES

It's almost time!!! Time for what? Time for Darlene's book Messy Beautiful Love to come out! I have really enjoyed this book; Darlene is raw and honest, and brings a whole new light to marriage and most importantly a marriage that is grounded in Christ.

Pre-order your book today and receive $50 in freebies!!! GO check out the freebies here and preorder your copy today!!!

Have a blessed day!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Marriage is worth fighting for

My husband and I got married in November 2005. We had a short dating period (4 months) and an even shorter engagement period (1 month) but we just knew that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. We knew that we wanted to do life together but most importantly we wanted to share Jesus with others together. 

Right after we got engaged I went on Birth Control. Almost immediately I started having complications, but I ignored them thinking this was normal, because I had never been on birth control before and I was scared to talk to anyone. We got married in November and it was gorgeous thanks to our amazing wedding planner and best friend Beth. (Another story for another day but we were just going to go to the Justice of the Peace and then have a wedding later but she wasn't having any of it and planned the whole thing for us she's amazing like that) In February we went to Colorado to see my mother-in-law, she wasn't able to make it to the wedding, we were there for 2 weeks and she told me that I looked really pale and like I didn't really feel good, which was the truth I had no energy and it was like I was dehydrated but that wasn't it. So towards the end of our trip I called my OBGYN and set up an appointment for when we returned. 

We went to the doctor and my wonderful OB, which is a godly man, told me that the birth control was making me anemic. I had a couple of options and they were for him to give me a shot but that could cause trouble for us when we wanted to actually start trying or we could just do nothing and leave it up to God. He said that any other type of birth control would give me the effects that this one had. He told me we didn't have to decide that day, we could just let him know, but he did want to do some more blood work that day. So he left the room, so Andrew and I talked and prayed about it and felt like we would just do nothing and allow whatever happened happen. Little did we know that life was about to be turned upside down...

As little girls we dream of marry the man of our dreams, have the house with the white picket fence, and have 2 kids a boy and a girl. Well in March we had our first miscarriage and then another and another. By all accounts I was healthy and nothing in my history would show a reason to struggle with fertility. After several procedures, infertility drugs and a surgery it was determined that I had adhesions from endometriosis. I had the surgery and he removed the adhesions. Two more miscarriages followed that surgery and I had a second surgery and at that time found out that I had lost my right ovary. Basically the adhesions had covered the ovary and smothered it, so while he was in there he went ahead and took out the right tube because my left ovary and tube was the strong one and the right tube was getting in the way and blocking it. When I woke up from surgery I was devastated but determined. All I ever wanted to be was a mommy. 

After the surgery we continued the infertility medicine but my marriage started to suffer. I couldn't even have a conversation with my husband without yelling. I blamed him. Eventually it went from me yelling at him to not even talking to him, to me sleeping on the couch. We went to church but we sat in different pews. We went to dinner together but we didn't speak. This lasted for 4 months. During this time my husband tried. Oh did he try. I just wouldn't have any of it. I was angry, I was angry at Andrew because he couldn't give me kids and I was angry at God because he wouldn't give me kids. 

One day Andrew and I sat down to talk and I told him that I thought it wasn't fair to either of us to stay in this marriage. The words that came out of his mouth next amazed me and he said, "I'm not giving up, you are worth fighting for" I don't really remember a lot of the conversation from there. I just remember a flood of words and emotions came out. Our marriage was restored. 

There are few people that know our story. They know about the infertility but they don't know about the "Messy Beautiful Love" I never thought I would write this. Never in a million years!!! As I have said I am on the launch team for Darlene Schacht's new book Messy Beautiful Love. I get to read it and give a review on it. I came to part of the book that reminded me of my husband, his love for me and the love for our marriage, and most importantly his love for God. Darlene and her husband are having a discussion about their finances and this is what she said, "Watching him fight for our marriage reminds me that sacrificial love is so important to achieving unity. That's what marriage is about really- it's growing together as one so that we reflect the unity of the covenant between Jesus Christ and the church" That quote inspired me to write this blog post. Whatever comes our way in our marriage our marriage is worth fighting for. My husband is commanded in Ephesians 5 to love me like Christ loves the church and I am commanded to submit to him. My husband takes that command very seriously and showed me that day and everyday since that he does. 
Now don't get me wrong we are not perfect, but we love each other and are willing to fight for our marriage. :) 

And so you know there is a happy ending to our infertility story. God granted us 2 beautiful little girls through the miracle of adoption. You can read all about that on our blog Journey with the Lanes if you would like. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Messy Beautiful Love: Hope and Redemption for Real Life Marriages

God is so good, and always takes me beyond what I think I am capable of. Recently I signed up to be on the launch team for Messy Beautiful Love: Hope and Redemption for Real Life Marriages by Darlene Schacht. I prayed about it and waited to receive the email. Yesterday I received the email from Thomas Nelson publishers that I had been chosen to be on the launch team. I am so excited and so blessed to have this opportunity. I also received my copy of the book yesterday and have already started reading it, and it is great.

The book will be available September 16th but if you pre-order your copy today you get $50 in freebies!!! Once you have ordered your book you can email Messy Beautiful Love and send them a copy of your receipt and they will send you all your freebies! :)

Check out Darlene Schachts blog at The Time-Warp Wife to learn more about her new book and also get a good look at all those freebies!

Thanks y'all! 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A father's love vs The Father's Love

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16

I don't listen to country most of the time, but when you are driving through no mans land and you have played so many cds that your cd player has decided to boycott, you have no choice but to listen to country music.Now before I get hate mail ;) I like some country but I don't like the scandalous version of country music now. Anyways, back to my my reason for this post. As I was driving a song titled "A love without end,amen" sang by George Strait came on. I welled up because 3 years ago my dad went home to be with the Lord. I was a daddy's girl, and he was the type of dad that didn't have to be. He took me as his own child, and if there hadn't been a different last name I would have never known differently. That's how much my dad loved me.

As I was listening to this song and thinking about my dad I started thinking about my heavenly father, Abba Father. A father that loves me so much and wants to have a relationship with me. Loves me so much that he would send his one and only Son to die on the cross for my sins. Not just my past sin, not just my present sin, not just my future sin, but ALL of my sin.

I know when I look at my husband with our children that he would do anything for them, within his ability. I know that he loves them so much. How much more does our father love us? All through scripture we see the Father's love for us. Let us be mindful every day of our Abba Fathers love for us!

To listen to the song click here

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. Ecclesiastes 3:1 

Change is an ugly word to me. I don't like it, change is not something I look forward to. Although, in the past 3 1/2 years there has been a lot of changes. Some I have looked forward to, others where I have thought I was excited to only meltdown when they actually happened, and others I have dug my heels in and refuse to accept.

Two years ago we moved to Montana so that my husband could be a youth pastor at a church. I thought I was excited about the cross country move, but for the first four months I hated it. I wouldn't let myself get settled, I bucked the system so to speak every chance I got, and just refused to call this home. One day I was having a "gripe fest" with God, okay really lets be serious I was the one doing all the griping and our loving Heavenly Father faithfully listened to me, and then spoke ever so gently  spoke to me and said this is home!   From that moment on I knew this was home. Now two years later God is calling us away from this home.

For the past few weeks I have "bucked the system" again. I have not been happy about having to pack everything up, and move again. I am a plan person, I like to have a plan laid out. There is no plan. We are going to take a small "break" and pray about where God is leading us from there. After much prayer, talking with my mentor and lots of tears I am excited about the new direction God is sending us. I can't wait to see what his plan is, because as we know God's plans are bigger and better than we could ever expect.

Please be in prayer for us as we start this new journey.


Monday, July 14, 2014

What kind of seed do you want to be?

In Luke 8:1-15 Jesus tells The Parable of the Sower. After this, Jesus traveled about from one town and village to another, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. The Twelve were with him, and also some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases: Mary (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come out; Joanna the wife of Chuza, the manager of Herod’s household; Susanna; and many others. These women were helping to support them out of their own means.
While a large crowd was gathering and people were coming to Jesus from town after town, he told this parable: “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path; it was trampled on, and the birds ate it up. Some fell on rocky ground, and when it came up, the plants withered because they had no moisture. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up with it and choked the plants.Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up and yielded a crop, a hundred times more than was sown.”
When he said this, he called out, “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.”
His disciples asked him what this parable meant. 10 He said, “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that,
“‘though seeing, they may not see;
    though hearing, they may not understand.’[a]
11 “This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God. 12 Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. 13 Those on the rocky ground are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while, but in the time of testing they fall away. 14 The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. 15 But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.

Jesus gives the meaning of the parable in verse 11. The seed is the word of God!  With the first seed we see that some may hear it but the devil comes in and takes away the word from their heart. Then they don't believe and therefore do not get saved. The second seed, sown among the rocky ground, they hear the word and joyfully accept it but it doesn't take root, or doesn't "stick" because of trials. We find in James 1:2-4 we find out that the testing of our faith produces perseverance. But that requires us to be in our Word, praying, believing Jesus and following God's commands. The third seed, the one that fell among the thorns. We hear it but the world and our worldly outlook on life chokes the life out of our beliefs. We care more about what people think of us, about how much money we can make and we do not grow in our relationship with Christ. Then there is the last seed. This seed falls on good soil, it stands for those who have a noble and good heart, they hear the word, retain it, persevere through life's struggles and a produce a crop. John 15:5 says "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." 

My prayer is that I am the seed that has fallen on good soil. That I have heard the word, retained it, persevere through life's struggles, and that I bear much fruit and produce a plentiful crop, but that I give all glory to Christ. What seed are you? What do you strive to do everyday? We are called to be in our word everyday, praying, seeking wisdom from others. It is about a relationship with Jesus. Apart from Him we can do nothing!