Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A father's love vs The Father's Love

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16

I don't listen to country most of the time, but when you are driving through no mans land and you have played so many cds that your cd player has decided to boycott, you have no choice but to listen to country music.Now before I get hate mail ;) I like some country but I don't like the scandalous version of country music now. Anyways, back to my my reason for this post. As I was driving a song titled "A love without end,amen" sang by George Strait came on. I welled up because 3 years ago my dad went home to be with the Lord. I was a daddy's girl, and he was the type of dad that didn't have to be. He took me as his own child, and if there hadn't been a different last name I would have never known differently. That's how much my dad loved me.

As I was listening to this song and thinking about my dad I started thinking about my heavenly father, Abba Father. A father that loves me so much and wants to have a relationship with me. Loves me so much that he would send his one and only Son to die on the cross for my sins. Not just my past sin, not just my present sin, not just my future sin, but ALL of my sin.

I know when I look at my husband with our children that he would do anything for them, within his ability. I know that he loves them so much. How much more does our father love us? All through scripture we see the Father's love for us. Let us be mindful every day of our Abba Fathers love for us!

To listen to the song click here

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