Monday, December 15, 2014

When God says WAIT...

Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.Psalm 27:14

Waiting is so easy right? Being patient is even easier right? NO, NO, NO!!! We often question, "Why Lord?" Why is this happening?

Lately I have find myself asking that same question. My husband is a pastor and we were at a church in Montana, things seemed to be going great, and then the Lord said, "Leave, go back to Kentucky (our home town) and wait on me." So we packed up what we could fit in a small trailer and sold the rest. We did all of this in a month, and we moved back home. We moved in with my mom, because we didn't know if we were going to stay in our hometown, or really where we were going. We enrolled our daughters in school, I started subbing in the school, and Andrew has applied for many jobs in the secular world and also many pastor positions. No secular jobs has called Andrew. We do have a church that has had us for an interview and have also called him to preach a couple of times, but we are in the waiting part of this process. Anyone in ministry knows this part. It's hard, you want an answer, you want the process to hurry, even though you really don't because you want to make sure that it is all God's Will and God's timing. 

What I have learned during this time, our oldest-est of our two younger daughters, Ellee, has to have surgery on her ear again, and if we were still living in Montana we would be between 8-10 hours from the nearest Children's hospitals, so God has moved us back because he knew this was going to happen and we needed to be close to Vanderbilt (1 hour away) for the many doctors appointments and the surgery. We also found out that our youngest daughter Johannah, is also going to have to have a sleep study done, and a surgery for her sleep apnea so again God in his Omniscience knew what we needed before we knew it. Now is this all I have to learn No, there is definitely more to learn, am I going to know everything as to why he has us here, No but God's plan is always better than ours. So as I wait upon the Lord and wait upon his perfect plan, I dive further in His Word, ask him to use me where I am, and be a light to those who need it. 

This Christmas Season be a light to others. Whether you are in the grocery store or the checkout line of the department store make conversation around you, tell people the real reason for this season, and remember that you might be the only light that some of those people will see that day or even this season. A smile can change a mood :)

Merry Christmas!!! 

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