Wednesday, July 23, 2014


There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. Ecclesiastes 3:1 

Change is an ugly word to me. I don't like it, change is not something I look forward to. Although, in the past 3 1/2 years there has been a lot of changes. Some I have looked forward to, others where I have thought I was excited to only meltdown when they actually happened, and others I have dug my heels in and refuse to accept.

Two years ago we moved to Montana so that my husband could be a youth pastor at a church. I thought I was excited about the cross country move, but for the first four months I hated it. I wouldn't let myself get settled, I bucked the system so to speak every chance I got, and just refused to call this home. One day I was having a "gripe fest" with God, okay really lets be serious I was the one doing all the griping and our loving Heavenly Father faithfully listened to me, and then spoke ever so gently  spoke to me and said this is home!   From that moment on I knew this was home. Now two years later God is calling us away from this home.

For the past few weeks I have "bucked the system" again. I have not been happy about having to pack everything up, and move again. I am a plan person, I like to have a plan laid out. There is no plan. We are going to take a small "break" and pray about where God is leading us from there. After much prayer, talking with my mentor and lots of tears I am excited about the new direction God is sending us. I can't wait to see what his plan is, because as we know God's plans are bigger and better than we could ever expect.

Please be in prayer for us as we start this new journey.


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