Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Undone... Book review

"But sometimes messy is the necessary beginning to the making of extraordinary." -Michele Cushatt

Growing up you have this thought of how life will be. You look at your parents life and think, "I'll never make those mistakes," "My life will be different" "I won't yell at my kids" and then life happens.

You make mistakes, you fail, you yell, life isn't at all what you planned out. "It's an undone life. But I (you) don't have to be undone by it." -Michele Cushatt

In Michele's new book, Undone, she takes you through a life of marriage, newborn, divorce, remarriage, blended family, teenagers, cancer, life's unexpected turn of getting three littles to raise, cancer again, surgeries, and life didn't stop for any of it. You will laugh, you will cry. Some of you may know exactly where she is coming from. We can all relate in one way or another. Through Michele's story you get transparency, and honesty, and when you finish reading the last word, on the last page of the book, you are sad that it's over, you hope/want more because you feel as though she has sat and told you her story over a cup of coffee, not that you read it in a book.

Add this to your list of books to read for 2015, I promise you won't regret it. You can get it here  at Amazon or here at Barnes and Noble.

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