Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Pray for your marriage

With the sanctity of marriage under attack now a days it is so important that we fight for our marriages. It is important that God is head of our marriages, and that we are constantly seeking Him in our marriages. We need to also be praying for our spouses; against temptations, our outside relationships, for joy, for each other and the list goes on.
Darlene Schacht’s new book 100 Prayers for your marriage is a great source to use in those prayers. She has put together 100 prayers to pray over your marriage, husband or wife can use this wonderful tool.
Prayer is essential to our walk with Christ, and in our everyday relationships.
You can purchase this handy, dandy ebook right now on Amazon for 2.99. 2.99 can change the way you pray for your marriage, it’s worth it!

You can purchase your copy here

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