Tuesday, August 4, 2015

"Diary of a Jackwagon" By Tim Hawkins

When you hear Tim Hawkins name you typically think Christian Comedian, and how funny he is. You wouldn't think writer. From the moment I started reading until the last page I laughed out loud, sometimes waking my poor husband who had to be at work before the rooster crowed. It is clean, funny comedy in text form. He picks on himself, his family, homeschooling (which his family does), married life. He's serious about his faith in Jesus, and how important it is to have a relationship with Christ.

Do I recommended this book? 1000x yes. You will laugh until you cry, and possibly other things too ;) 
If you have never heard of Tim Hawkins, shame on you j/k, but now go type in his name and listen to some of the favorites like, "Things you don't say to your wife" "Yoga pants" and many more. Also go out and get your copy of "Diary of a Jackwagon" 

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