Wednesday, July 29, 2015

"12 Days in Africa, A Mother's Love" By Lisa Sanders

In the book "12 Days in Africa" Lisa travels to Uganda, Africa with her youngest son Blake, on a mission trip. She wants to make the most of the time she has with her son Blake before he goes off to college. During their 12 days in Africa, Lisa and Blake experienced some highs and lows. One of the stories that Lisa shared has stuck with me. She tells of when they traveled to one of the orphanages and the leader of their group said to look for the kids who were avoiding the attention or off alone. Lisa stepped off the bus and she immediately sees a little boy, shivering, barely clothes, and his eyes yellow. Lisa sits down and comforts the sweet boy, and he has his head in her lap. After a while she goes to check on Blake and when she comes back the boy is gone. She starts asking around and finally speaks with the doctor who tells her the sweet boy has passed away from Malaria. My heart broke as I read this. I wonder how many times we complain when we wait more than 15 minutes at the doctor, I know I do, but at least we are able to get the medicine that we need, and the care that we need. How many times do I complain because of what I have to eat or don't want to drive to get what I want, but fail to see the blessing of having the food I have or the ability to get in the car and drive and get whatever I want.  

I received this book from the publisher through the Book look bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. 

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