Saturday, December 30, 2017

Faithful Obedience

Each year I ask the Lord to place a word on my heart that I can meditate, apply, and learn more about. Last year (2017) my word was intentional. First, I wanted to be intentional in my relationship with Christ. Second, I wanted to be intentional with my family, friends, any close relationship but I did not want to just stop with those near me, I wanted to be intentional with anyone I came in contact with. Last, I wanted to be intentional with my words. Think before I speak, speak life, speak words that build up and not tear down.

Looking back over the year I succeeded in some cases, and failed miserably in other ways. Overall, I believe that God used that word to build relationships, most importantly my relationship with Him. He also used that word to for me to build relationships with others. Others I had never met, and probably, this side of heaven, will never meet. I love how God works through every season of our lives, through every relationship, and molds us and grows us, to further His kingdom.

As we are in the last few days of 2017, looking forward to 2018, I’m excited to see how God will work this year in my life, as well as the life of others. I look forward to being a part of that, and not only growing but helping others grow. The word God has given me for 2018 is obedience.

Most importantly obedience in my relationship with Him. As I study and learn more about obedience I am excited to see how God uses that. Even though 2018 is not here yet I have already seen it popping up in my life, books that I have already started collecting to read in 2018, Bible studies that I am a part of and future ones that I will be a part of, words that have been spoken to me by my friends.

My Bible verse for the year comes from James; James 1:22 (Christian Standard Bible) “But be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”
I hope that you all have a wonderful New Year!

As always, how can I pray for you?